Volume XII / 2023
The University of Texas at Arlington | College of Engineering

Legacy Award Launched

Khosrow Behbehani
Khosrow Behbehani, Ph.D.

The College of Engineering instituted a new award, the Legacy Award, in 2023 to recognize outstanding career-long performance and dedication to the college. Awardees have a distinguished record of research, teaching, and service that demands national or international recognition.

The first two recipients were Khosrow Behbehani, former dean of engineering and professor and former chair of the Bioengineering Department, and Mo-Shing Chen, professor emeritus in the Electrical Engineering Department.

Mo-Shing Chen, Ph.D.
Mo-Shing Chen, Ph.D.

Dr. Behbehani established a joint research laboratory for medical imaging with UT Southwestern and led the effort to develop the Department of Bioengineering. As dean, he built the foundation of top-level fundraising activities by significantly increasing the number of endowed chairs and professorships in the college.

Dr. Chen's career earned him international recognition in the field of power systems engineering. He established the University's first research center, first international visiting researchers' program, and first international continuing education course and symposium. He also produced UTA's first PhD graduate.