Volume XII / 2023
The University of Texas at Arlington | College of Engineering
Bernd Chudoba

Next-Gen Hypersonic Design

A team of graduate aerospace engineering researchers in UTA's Aerospace Vehicle Design (AVD) Laboratory has been tasked with designing a military hypersonic missile system to fly at speeds previously only encountered by NASA's X-43A, Hyper-X. This system would fly faster and further than any other air-breathing vehicle in history, and the development of its conceptual design at UTA will showcase how every university should approach hypersonic vehicle design and forecasting.

Bernd Chudoba, aerospace engineering associate professor and director/founder of the AVD Laboratory, is leading the high-pressure five-month project through a grant from Parallax Advanced Research.

"This is a monumental opportunity for UTA," Dr. Chudoba says. "Parallax is pursuing a novel high-speed concept that will offer the warfighter a new capability to meet mission objectives. Overall, we will determine and validate the most promising concepts and the current technology needed for the next generation of hypersonic missile systems to fly."